A uniform gives a child pride in their appearance as they don’t have to worry about peer pressure when it comes to their clothes. It gives them confidence and a feeling of belonging, allowing the child to concentrate on their studies.
School text books are expensive and in many countries there is one text book for every five students.
Provision of antiretroviral drugs and basic health care. A hot meal a day is provided in many locations as this may be the only meal a child will receive.
Offering shelter to orphans, street children and to children and adults with AIDS in response to extreme poverty.
Reuniting street children with their family. Providing support to families through income generating programs with the aim to improve their economic potential and living standards.
Caregivers of the children we support are engaged in economic empowerment initiatives which are aimed at increasing household income to enable them to cater for their children’s needs.
Providing practical help and a listening ear to support our rural farmers, their colleagues and the next generation through painting, fencing, cooking, gardening, maintenance and repair work during week long working trips.
Income generation: Nksosi’s 4Life Farm development project training in chicken production and marketing. Business start up: supporting Ang Bahay Parola Grace Home’s implementation of their sustainability project of a printing business with printing equipment, stock and skills training.
Hygiene education: through supporting WASH education program for the children and staff at Ang Bahay Parola Grace Home in Manila. Nutritional support: to provide a healthy meal for the Siza pre-schoolers in Alexandria township, one of the poorest urban areas in South Africa.
Sending children back to school: assist with the reintegration of children back into the schooling system through Chiedza’s out of school program. Early Childhood Education: building a preschool at Nkosi’s Haven in South Africa to promote inclusive education and access to early childhood development.